...as in false eyelashes! What better time to glam up your eyes than on your wedding day? Very few women sport false eyelashes on a regular basis, which makes wearing them to get hitched just that more special. If you've been blessed with naturally long lush lashes, then congratulations, you can skip this step. But for most of us, the daily abuse of mascara, and mascara removal, can leave our lashes looking a little less than lovely. Pumping up your peepers with falsies will cause your man to swoon at the altar. And who doesn't want to make her guy breathless on the big day?
There are several types of lashes at your disposal. Some are applied to the lash line in clusters for maximum control of placement and effect. Others are strips that create a more uniform appearance. To see if you like the way you look in these lash enhancers, test drive a variety of them several weeks before your nuptials. Follow the packages' instructions fo

It's the truth! Falsies can make you look fabulous!
Fake eyelashes are among the common eyelash products that can give you beautiful long lashes in an instant.