As you are counting down to the big day, don't forget to start taking care of your locks early so whatever style you end up choosing looks absolutely fabulous.
12 Weeks Before The Wedding

Start eating right and to increase your exercise. I'm not saying that you have to train like you’re running a marathon, but just a 20 minute walk is enough to get the blood pumping and oxygen flowing to the right places (including your scalp!). It's also a great way to decrease all the wedding stress.
8 Weeks Before The Wedding
Start seeing a professional: Visiting a professional hairdresser will keep your hair in top shape and give it the best chance of looking healthy and neat on your wedding day. Now is the time to start having regular deep conditioning salon treatments.
3 Weeks Before The Wedding
Have your last haircut 3 weeks before the big day so that your hair will settle.
2 Weeks Before The Wedding
Color your hair at least two weeks before the event so that it will look fresh, but not freshly done.
4 Days Before the Wedding
Have your last deep conditioning treatment.
1 Day Before The Wedding
Wash your hair with a mild and cleansing shampoo.
The Day Of The Wedding
Relax! All of your hard work and beauty treatments should have left you with fabulous hair which will now be teased, curled, pinned and sprayed – but it’ll all be worth it!